Saturday, August 14, 2010

Taking chances

The unwritten family rule:

Kalau nak cari rumah, cari orang rumah dulu.


Really. Some people suggested that maybe I should try dating or matchmaking sites. I don't see the harm of trying (who am I kidding?), it's just that those sites, more often than not, require you to tell a bit about yourself. I am a bit modest when it comes to describing myself. If I were to write a profile, it would look something like:

Mid 20's professional gentleman, 6'2" tanned athletic build, smart, interesting, witty and good listener with killer smile looking for a 20's professional lady for life partner. Ready for commitment.

By 6'2", I mean my waistline. As for athletic build, think Japan. Tanned is a euphemism.

Any takers?

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